How Donald Trump’s antics have empowered a new class of moderate Republicans


Donald Trump’s return to the national stage ahead of November’s midterm elections was meant to fire up the Republican base, but evidence is emerging that it may have empowered his opponents within the party instead.

The former president has played a decisive role in the campaign already, lending his endorsement to dozens of candidates across the country and helping most of them win their party primaries.

But now, just as Trump has been back in the headlines thanks to separate investigations into the 2020 election and his handling of classified documents, some of those candidates are trailing their Democratic rivals while the party’s overall lead in the polls has vanished.

“These Trump nominees are sinking,” said Barbara Comstock, a former Republican member of Congress. “They are losing the support of independents and moderate Republicans, and in some cases even the base. We are going to see seats that should have been won being lost this year.”

As a result, an emerging faction of moderate Republicans is hoping to use this moment to reassert some authority within a party that appears decreasingly in thrall to Trump.

Last month, Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland who has been an outspoken critic of Trump and whose term ends in November, appeared at a state fair in Iowa amid speculation that he is eyeing a possible presidential run.

Meanwhile, the former Carlyle executive Glenn Youngkin, who won Virginia’s hotly contested governor’s race last year as a political newcomer, was on the campaign trail in Michigan for Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon. He has also made appearances in Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming.

Liz Cheney campaigns
Republican Liz Cheney speaking in Wyoming last month. Cheney has become the most prominent Republican critic of Donald Trump © David Stubbs/Reuters

Other high-profile Republicans have also begun positioning themselves more boldly against Trump. Liz Cheney, the outgoing Republican member of Congress from Wyoming who is also the vice-chair of the committee investigating the January 6 riot, has promised to campaign alongside Democrats and independents if they are fighting against Republicans who say the 2020 election was rigged.

Earlier this month she told NBC that she was “thinking about” a possible presidential run.

Bill Kristol, the conservative commentator who has set up an organisation to donate to anti-Trump candidates, said: “Some moderates within the party broke ranks around [Trump’s] first impeachment, but others are doing so now. This is an interesting moment for the Republican party, and we are encouraging anyone who can to try and bring it back to its roots.”

The manoeuvres by centrist Republicans come as Trump has pushed to stamp his authority on the party with a wide range of endorsements. But while almost all of his candidates won their primaries, according to data tallied by the website Ballotpedia, some are struggling in the general election campaign.

Mehmet Oz, the celebrity doctor whom Trump backed for the US Senate seat in Pennsylvania, is seven points behind the Democrat John Fetterman, even though a stroke has hampered Fetterman’s ability to campaign.

Doug Mastriano, a fierce Trump ally who is running to be Pennsylvania’s governor, is six points behind his rival Josh Shapiro. In Arizona, the Democrat Mark Kelly is six points ahead of the Trump supporter Blake Masters in the race for the Senate seat once held by the moderate champion John McCain.

A series of special elections has reinforced the sense that the Trump factor may not be working for the Republicans in this election. Earlier this week, the Democrats won a special congressional election in Alaska, a state Trump won by 10 points just two years ago and where they were fighting against his high-profile ally Sarah Palin.

Recent polls suggest Trump’s iron grip on the party’s base might be loosening. Earlier this summer a New York Times poll showed less than half of the party’s primary voters wanted him to be the presidential candidate in 2024 — though he remains far more popular than any other single candidate.

Simon Rosenberg, a Democratic strategist, said: “A lot of people have not realised how the Republican coalition has cracked. Republicans are underperforming in every single race — there is not a single race where they are where they should be at this point.”

Some in the party argue that this schism has created an opening for a newly empowered moderate faction, particularly if this proves to be the year that fatally damages the former president’s reputation among Republican voters.

The success of candidates such as Youngkin is also being seen as a possible model for how a Republican can bridge the gap between moderates and the Trump base.

“Last year we saw the model of how to succeed, with Glenn Youngkin coming from 10 points behind to win in Virginia by not talking about Trump,” said Comstock. “This year they have put Trump in the front seat and he is grabbing the wheel and driving them over the edge.”

She added: “The message from us moderates to the rest of the party is: ‘OK, are you sick of losing yet?’”

But Kristol also pointed out that moderates in the party had harboured such hopes for several years, to no avail.

“When January 6 happened, we thought for a week or two or three that this was a moment of liberation for the party,” he said. “But that didn’t turn out to be the case — Trump went down but then came back up.”


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