Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday interacted with his fans on Twitter and responded to their questions which ranged from his movies to income to his background. At the start, the Pathan actor said he would give only fun answers, nothing serious to begin the year with.
While the actor got many questions about his upcoming movie ‘Pathan’, a fan asked him how much he earns in a month. “Ek mahine mein kitna kama lete hain? (How much do you earn in a month),” Aman Ahmed, a fan, asked. Khan replied in style and said: “Pyaar Beshumaar kamata hoon…har din.”
Another user, Mohit Shau, said people were asking – “what is the purpose of watching Pathan movie?”
The actor said this was a deep question and he can not answer it as he was not a deep thinker. “Oh God these people are really deep…what is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of anything..? Sorry, I am not such a deep thinker,” he said.
Khan, whose Pathan movie is releasing later this month, was asked to say one word for Deepika Padukone. “She is so nice it’s unbelievable…,” he said.
Deepika Padukone, who is also starring in ‘Pathan’, recently faced backlash for her dress in one of the songs in the upcoming movie.
Made on a Rs 250 crore budget, Pathan is coming to theatres on January 25.
One fan, Darshan Shah, urged Shah Rukh to send good wishes to cricketer Rishabh Pant for his speedy recovery. Replying to him, the actor said he will be well soon. “He (Rishabh) is a fighter and a very tough guy,” Khan said.
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